Boku no Hero Academia, also known as My Hero Academia, is a manga made by Kōhei Horikoshi, and published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine, since July 2014. The story takes place in a world where eighty percent of the population has some kind of power superhuman, known as individualities, and the boy Izuku Midoriya is one of the few ordinary people. Very upset by this, he dreams of becoming a hero, until he meets All Might, who, impressed by his courage and sense of justice, gives him a chance to become what he always dreamed of, giving him One For All, which is that guarantees super strength. Kohei’s magnum opus is in its best period right now and the hype surrounding is at its peak. Soon we will have our hands the chapter 276 of Boku no hero Academia and we are excited!
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 276 Release Date
Boku No Hero Academia 276 will be released on June 26, 2020, in Tokyo, which means that the BNHA Spoiler is already out including the raw scans of the chapter and the spoilers are being discussed all over the internet. Fans may read My Hero Academia chapter 276 for Shueisha’s Shonen Jump official website and media and platforms.
Boku No Hero Academia Spoilers & Predictions
If referring to the previous chapter, of course in Chapter 276 will focus on Shigaraki’s fight against the heroes, especially to take Quirk One For All. Shigaraki’s fight against Gran Torino and Eraserhead will show us the true power of a perfect all for one. It will also be interesting to see how Bakugo plays the whole fight out. Will he commit himself to defeat Shigaraki or will he be protecting Midoriya while having conflicting feelings.
The fight between Eraserhead and Shigaraki is also a long time coming. The air of tension surrounding the world of My Hero Academia is increasing as the culmination of years of foreshadowing is finally paying off. How does Deku find the strength and will he be able to control his new form of power.
In a raw leaked on twitter the conversation between Shigaraki and Eraserhead flows like this:
Shigaraki: “You’re a disturbance, Eraserhead!”
Aizawa, thinking: “You think I could just die? If I die, “erasure” won’t work anymore. I still have to watch over them, until they graduate and become heroes… I still have to [watch over?] them…!!”
Here is the whole summary of the chapter courtesy of DB Hype X:
My Hero Academia Chapter 276 Detailed English Summary.
Title: “Cheat…!”
Total Pages: 19— Hype (@DBHypeX) June 24, 2020