Dragon Ball series is a very popular Japanese animation designed by Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Legends is entirely based on the series and its characters. The game features epic visuals of special attacks of Kakarot, Vegeta, Trunks, etc. While playing on Bluestacks, players have reported the Dragon Ball Legends black screen issue.
About Bluestacks
Bluestacks is an emulator designed to replicate the android environment on a PC. Developed by Nitin Kalra, Bluestacks has configured itself to run numerous Android games over time. It is unfortunate to see that these types of errors are harming the smooth gameplay of players.
Dragon Ball Legends Black Screen issue
Players have reported the black screen issue on Bluestacks while playing Dragon Ball Legends. The problem is that when players are waiting patiently on the loading screen, it turns unresponsive. If you click on the screen, it might show green circles momentarily. The Reddit forum of Dragon Ball Legends is always ready for your help.
The problem can be fixed by a simple means. The following fixes are independent of the specifications you have on your computer. You can change the settings for Bluestacks as mentioned below from the Settings icon on the bottom-right corner of the Bluestacks screen.
- Choose the option Prefer Dedicated Computer graphic from the Bluestacks settings.
- Keep the DPI in a medium range. 240 DPI is an optimum choice.
- Keep the FPS in the range of 30 to 60. This does not strain the GPU but also renders your game smoothly.
- The performance tab can also help you in the long run. Keep the RAM to 2GB and 2 cores for the CPU. You can also increase the RAM to 4GB and vary the CPU cores from 2 to 4.
- You have to keep the OpenGL settings on.
- The last resort is to clear Bluestacks cache. You can also reinstall the software to refresh the system files.
The above-mentioned tips should hopefully resolve the issue. If you face the issue again, report it to the Bluestacks officials from the emulator interface. Click on the Hamburger menu. Now, click on Report a Problem on the top-right corner of the screen. This opens a form where you can fill in the details and attach a screenshot of your problem. Submit the form and wait for the developers to get in touch with you.