Batwoman is an American superhero T.V series which is developed by Caroline Dries. This is a mystery show based on the DC comics character Batwoman. This series premiered on The CW channel on October 6, 2019, and is mostly filmed in Vancouver British Columbia, Canada. This series is about a woman named Kate Kane who is very strong. She is armed with a passion for social justice and a flair of speaking her mind who soars into the streets of Gotham City as Batwoman.
People of this city are always in need of one or the other savior for there city and at the same time, there is a lesbian who is a highly trained street fighter who is primed to snuff out the failing city’s criminal resurgence. But doing all this also does not make her a hero yet. She is not called the hero of the city. Now the issue is that Kate must overcome her own demons before disappointing the people of Gotham’s city who are seeing her as a symbol of hope.
Batwoman Episode 16 Release Date
The episode is going to air on 22nd March 2020. This episode is officially named “Through the Looking-Glass”. The running time for this show is 60mins. It airs on The CW channel at 8 p.m.
In the new promo, it is shown Kate is very much confused and super tense. Wherever she goes, she just thinks about her powers and now she has begun to question her instincts. While on the other side we saw that Luke gets upsetting News and he is sad after hearing. Also, we will see in this episode that Alice will ask for some help from her sister to perform a special task.