The cloud save error on ARK Mobile prevents you from having a decentralized backup for your data. This can cause catastrophic data loss in case your device is corrupted or brick. This isn’t an error to be neglected, so find out how you can solve it, right here.
This error is mostly thrown on iOS devices. This is due to the way that Apple has setup its iCloud software. To fix it, all you need to do is go into settings, and then click on your profile. Here, open up the iCloud settings. Look for the iCloud Drive button by scrolling down and toggle it on. Once done, find ARK in the list and toggle that on as well. Now, you should be able to save data to your cloud with no problems.
In case ARK does not show up in the list once you turn iCloud Drive on, check your network connection. Try toggling it on and off a few times till ARK shows up.
Make sure you are running the latest version of iOS available in case you get stuck with any of the steps listed above.
In case your save data exceeds the size of around 5MB, you may encounter this problem again. To fix it, open up your game and launch it in single-player mode. Under Character Settings, click on the “Tidy Save” option on the left hand side. What this does is actually clear unnecessary data from your save and thus reduce its size. Once this is done, try to use your cloud data save again and see if the error was resolved.
Well, that’s all we have for you today. Check out my other articles on ARK to find out how you can run multiple worlds, fix lag, and the optimal settings for the game.