Apex Legends Mobile is the latest BR published by the developers of the original game, EA. The original game, Apex Legends is available on PC and Console with the developers still regularly updating the game and frequently releasing characters and additions for the game. Apex Legends Mobile saw a limited soft launch initially and moved to a full global launch. This was to make sure that the game was ready and polished enough for the players to jump in and play it. It is a fast-paced first-person shooter with tactical elements and a lot of RnG. In this article, we are going to be looking at Apex Legends Mobile: How to get red armor.
Armor is very important in Apex Legends since it absorbs a fixed amount of damage before breaking which effectively increases the HP of the character. The stronger the armor, the more damage the character can take before being knocked out and hence it is very very important to the mechanics of the game. In Apex Legends and Apex Legends Mobile, there is a ranking system of armor with white being at the bottom and red being at the top. this means that red armor is the most coveted armor since it has the highest durability and can take the highest amount of damage before breaking. Players can earn their armor through damage dealt in the game which makes it even more imperative that the player upgrades to the highest tier of armor as soon as possible.
Apex Legends Mobile: How to get red armor?
Unlike all other forms of armor, red armor is not ground loot meaning the only way the player can get red armour is through levelling up their armor to red. In order to do this, they can start from white armor as all players do at spawn and deal damage or if they are lucky, they can loot a purple armor and deal some damage to level it up to red. If you are wearing a purple shield, you need to deal 750 damage to evolve it to red armor which has the highest durability in the game. In effect, the only way to get red armor is through evolving the armor you already have by dealing enough damage. If you are lucky, you can loot a higher tier armor and evolve it to Red armor faster and dealing less damage but since purple armor is very rare, you will need to engage in fights to evolve your armor fast.
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