Animal Crossing New Horizons has developed into a costume skill fest in the recent month. You can find anything and everything in the costume department made by players like you. It is a special pleasure though for anime fans who can dawn upon the costume of their favourite anime character. From Sailor Moon to Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z to Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure here is every costume we could find relating to anime.
All over the top costumes, Ninja Gears, colourful bandanas and kimonos.
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventures
If there is an anime list, the inclusion of the classic Jojo. Be your Dio, Josuke and Giorno Giovanna.
Kimetsu No Yaiba: Demon Slayers
Let’s jump to the newborn, mainstream anime that has grabbed a lot of headlines with its quality animation and brilliant storyline. Demon Slayers is now on the tongue of every person that turned into an anime fan after the release of it. So it would be a crime not to give you the costumes for it!
Another one without which the list is just incomplete. Naruto has been with us almost all our lives and we love to see those shinobi outfits roaming around our islands.
Dragon Ball Z
Oh we have all thought about getting spikey yellow hairs and wearing those ridiculous costumes once, haven’t we? Now you can’t get it in real life but you can definitely get them for your characters and they sure look sweet!
Hunter X Hunter
Who would you want to be from here? Hisoka, Gon, the cool assassin boy Killua? Well, there is too many options and too much time, so you can be all of them!
Violet Evergarden
A beautiful anime series with thrills, love, war and everything that will make your heart melt. Violet Evergarden has won awards for animation and music if you haven’t watched it give it a try. Here are all the costumes from the show that we could find.