A new pet that you can find during the Lunar New Year Event of 2023 in Adopt Me is the Water Moon Bear. Likewise, it is a unique pet that is very valuable. If you are a player looking to get this pet, it is good to know the rarity as well as the worth of this pet before getting it. Knowing all this information is important. This article is therefore regarding Adopt Me Water Moon Bear Pet Rarity & Worth.
What is the Water Moon Bear in Adopt Me?
The Water Moon Bear is a part of the Lunar New Year Event of 2023 in Adopt Me. It is a pet that is very valuable. Likewise, you can mainly obtain this new pet by opening a Moon Bear Box. The Moon Bear box has a chance of giving you different rewards and has a drop of 30% for this pet. As far as the look of this pet, the Water Moon Bear is overall blue in color. Likewise, it has a black nose and deep black eyes. There are also Neon as well as Mega Neon versions of this pet. The Neon, as well as Mega Neon versions, have glowing orange colors on different areas of their body parts. You can find out the rarity and worth of this pet by reading below.
Adopt Me Water Moon Bear Pet Rarity & Worth –
The Water Moon Bear is an ultra-rare pet in Adopt Me that you can get from the Moon Bear box for 300 Lanterns. However, purchasing the Moon Bear Box doesn’t guarantee you this pet, as there is a 30% chance of actually getting the Water Moon Bear from it. Alternatively, you can obtain this pet by trading with other players in the game’s marketplace. However, this is not recommended as you can only get this for varying degrees of value and worth. Therefore, getting this pet during the event is much more preferable. You can trade for this pet in the marketplace for a number of unique pets as well as items that are of similar value. Here are some of the closest value or worth to the Water Moon Bear pet when trading –
- Musk Ox
- Mule
- Tan Chow-Chow
- Irish Elk
- Lynx
- Brown-chested Pheasant
- Husky
- Rat
- Albatross
- Robin
This was an article regarding the rarity as well as worth of the Water Moon Bear pet in Adopt Me. In addition to this article, you can also check out other articles on the game by following Digistatement.