With new pets releasing so frequently in Adopt Me, it can be tough for some players, especially newbies, to correctly determine just how much they should trade for a particular pet. It’s a continuous dilemma with no end in sight. However, guides such as this one will be of great help to you in this regard. Furthermore, a new pet just recently made its debut in the game, and as a result, many players are confused about its true worth in terms of trading. Yes, we are indeed talking about the newly introduced Chocolate Chip Bat Dargon in Adopt Me.
You can never really know how much a certain pet is worth in Adopt Me due to the trading system. Since both the buyer and seller don’t exchange any monetary sum or a premium currency, for that matter, it’s absolutely worthless to spend your time guessing the actual worth of a pet. Instead, what the game does is allow both the buyer and seller to exchange pets, kind of like a bartering system. So, what’s the Chocolate Chip Bat Dragon worth in this regard? Continue reading to find out!
Adopt Me Chocolate Chip Bat dragon worth, rarity & value
The Chocolate Chip Bat Dragon happens to be the latest addition to Adopt Me. The pet was released on November 30, 2023, as part of this year’s Winter Festival. You can go ahead and purchase it right now for about 1,000 Robux. It’s the latest limited legendary pet to debut in the game, along with the common-tier Beluga Whale and the rare-tier Nutcracker Squirrel. Veteran players might recognize the Chocolate Chip Bat Dragon’s similarities with the Bat Dragon, and the resemblance isn’t a coincidence at all. In fact, the Chocolate Chip Bat Dragon is a reskin of the Bat Dragon, albeit a little bit cuter.
Like other pets in the game, the Chocolate Chip Bat Dragon also has both neon and mega neon versions. The Neon version has an orange glow over most of its body, while the Mega Neon version shifts through rainbow colors. Now that you have somewhat of an idea about the Chocolate Chip Bat Dragon, read the next section to know its worth.
What’s the worth?
Since the Chocolate Chip Bat Dragon is a limited legendary pet in Adopt Me, it’s safe to say that it’s worth a lot. You can take a look at the following list of close-value pets and items for trading purposes:
- Mega Neon Cute-A-Cabra
- Mega Neon Scarecrow
- Neon Chef Gorilla
- Diamon Amazon
- Mega Neon Cassowary
- Mega Neon Ibex
- Lion
- Bat Dragon
- Neon Llama
- Mega Neon Frogspawn
- Neon Dodo
- Turtle
- Neon Owlbear
- Mega Neon Scarecrow Horse
- Mega Neon Trapdoor Snail
- Neon T-Rex
So, was this guide helpful to you? We certainly do hope so. Anyway, if you are wondering how much the Dire Stag is worth in the game, consider reading this guide. Lastly, keep following DigiStatement for more guides like this. Also read: Adopt Me Pirate Hermit Crab Pet Rarity & Worth