Bob Takeover Animation is awesome in Roblox’s Funky Friday Game. If you also wonder how you can get the Bob Takeover Animation in this game, continue reading this article till the end to know how to get this item in Funky Friday.
Funky Friday is a game inspired by a successful game of 2021, Friday Night Funkin’, on one of the most popular gaming as well as game-creation platforms in the world, Roblox. Just like the game, Friday Night Funkin’ this game also includes singing and rapping battles in which the one who delivers correct notes wins. Playing this game makes you feel like you are back at the arcade hitting buttons as fast as you can. Funky Friday features different kinds of animations for the players. In this article, we are going to talk about how you can unlock the Bob Takeover Animation and get it. So, here is everything you need to know about it.
Roblox Funky Friday Bob Takeover Animation: How to get it?
- Getting this animation in Funky Friday is very easy. Follow the below-mentioned steps to get it:
- Head to the Shop and Scroll down till you see Bob Takeover Animation there. Here, you will see that you require Bob and Amor Animation to get this Animation.
- So, in the same place, search for Amor Animation and buy it worth 1500 points.
- Similarly, search for the Bob Animation and buy it.
- After fulfilling these 2 requirements, you will be able to unlock and get Bob Takeover Animation.
By this method, you can unlock the awesome Bob Takeover Animation. If you found this article helpful, make sure to leave a comment and share this article with your friends.
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Enjoy Gaming!!