Escape from Tarkov is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game that has been running a beta version since 2017, with a full release scheduled soon. It is developed and supported quite well by BattleState games, which provide regular fixes for bugs, make balancing updates, and add fresh new content to the game on a regular basis. BattleState is also well known for incorporating fan feedback into Escape from Tarkov. In this article, we will be providing you with the patch notes for the latest patch to Escape from Tarkov, and also speculate on when the 0.12.12 update to Escape From Tarkov could be coming out.
As is clear from the prior release pattern of updates to Escape from Tarkov, in the past four years, the second digit in the title of the patch takes around three months to increase. For example, updates in the 0.12.9 and the 0.12.10 strings lasted for three months
Less than a week ago, on June 30, 2021, the first 0.12.11 update to Escape from Tarkov was released, titled Thus, going by the release of updates, we can expect the next big update series, titled 0.12.12 to start around September 2021.
Now, let’s take a look at the most important new features that were brought to Escape From Tarkov in the new 0.12.11 update:
“Factory expansion.
New scav boss Tagilla. Killa’s brother. He’s chosen “Factory” as a place of his own and actively exercises his past sports and combat experience. When in close combat he may switch to his favorite weapon – a sledgehammer. When someone gets hit by it, the best case scenario would be disorientation and broken bones, but usually it will cause inevitable death. The boss can set ambushes, open suppressive fire, and breach if needed.
First iteration of weapon malfunctions and technical deteriorating
- You can now have a misfire on almost every gun in the game
- Misfire can be resolved in different ways. Not only via the “Resolve” hotkey (Shift+T by default), but also by any bolt related manipulations
- We reworked the technical condition of the guns and their deterioration from firing. Certain ammunition and weapon mods will affect the deterioration speed. We added a new stat in the inspector menu called “Durability burn” which will show that.
- Different ammo now has increased or decreased chances of misfires.
- Technical condition of weapon influences on base accuracy, offset of the center point of impact and general misfire chance.
- We also added NVIDIA Reflex support. And decreased ingame input lag.
Fence reputation. Being the representation of Scav karma. Now players can lose reputation by killing non-hostile scavs and gain it by helping scavs and scav bosses to kill their enemy. You can also gain Fence reputation by using “a friendly scav” exfil or by using car exfil.What Fence reputation level will affect:
- Player-scav cooldown, scavbox “craft” time, amount of exfils for the player-scav, car extract fee, player-scav kit, and the prices when selling items to Fence.
- The higher Fence reputation is – the more often AI-scavs will agree to help player-scav and respond to his commands (Follow, hold position). With very low reputation AI scavs will attack player-scav. With very high levels of reputation AI-scavs will help by attacking player-scavs’ enemies, and bosses will be considered allies.
- Players will be able to purchase uninsured items lost by other players by reaching Fence’s max loyalty level.
Sorting table – additional expandable space, which will be of a great help when organizing the stash.
Sorting table is not supposed to be used for storage, but only as a temporary buffer zone. It will be available only when out of raid and it has no size limitations.
You will be able to open the sorting table by clicking the icon in the bottom of the stash.
You can quickly put items on the sorting table by pressing Shift + left mouse click hotkey combination. This hotkey will work only when the sorting table is opened.”
For the full patch notes for the 0.12.11 update & its subsequent hotfixes , check out the official BattleState site.
Make sure to check out our fixes for the Server connection lost error, the anticheat error, as well as random crashes on Escape From Tarkov. Cheers!