Following our article on how you can obtain the Vari, we are back with a guide on how you can evolve the Vari on Loomian Legacy. Make sure to follow closely so you get the best results. Right, let’s get straight into it.
The Vari is the very first and only Loomian to evolve through, wait for it, fainting! That’s right, to evolve the Vari, you must deliberately have it faint. However, first let’s look at the generic typeless evolution. To have your Vari complete its first evolution, all you have to do is get it to Level 20. Once this done, your Vari will evolve into the Cervolen. This Loomian resembles a Reindeer or perhaps a Moose. The evolution means that it can learn the move known as Adaptive Assault. Now, let’s get into the Spirit Type Evolution of the Vari. The first thing you will want to do is actually travel to Route 5 pagoda. You do not need to have your Vari at any particular level to perform this evolution. Enter the Heiwa Cemetery once you have travelled to Route 5 pagoda. In the cemetery, run around till you encounter a Loomian. In the encounter, make sure to not perform any attacks. Simply rest, wait, or dawdle till your Vari’s health is depleted. Now, you can either choose to abandon the encounter or win it using another Loomian from your team. Once this is done, your Vari will evolve into the Spirit type- Wendolen. It looks quite strange: it stands on its hind legs and has what is almost a mane made of ice, and the face of a deer. While the design looks pretty neat, the move it learns is still actually the Adaptive Assault.
We hope this quick guide helped you evolve your Vari into the Cervolen or the Wendolen. If you’re still wondering how you can obtain the Vari, make sure to check out my article on it for help. Happy hunting!