Released on April 20, 2021, MLB the Show is a baseball-based game. This game is published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. This game is available to play on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X and S. MLB The Show 21 is the sixteenth game in MLB: The Show Franchise. This edition of the game is the first edition that is being released on Xbox Consoles.
There has not been much time since MLB The Show 21 has been released, but the players have already faced many issues regarding the game. The Show 21 has experienced many bugs and errors. In this article, we are going to talk about its problem that hampers Crossplay. Here is everything you need to know.
Crossplay Problem: MLB The Show 21
Firstly, MLB The Show 21 supports Crossplay across all the platforms. Crossplay is available across platforms as well as within console ecosystems(PlayStation 4/PlayStation 5 and Xbox One/ Xbox Series X or S). But, the developers failed to provide proper features of Crossplay. The players trying to play across different platforms have complained about facing trouble while doing it.
To be precise, users are not able to make their players ready when they are playing with friends ( Running game either on PS or Xbox ). This issue has been reported by many fans who tried Crossplay.
How to fix it?
There are no announcements or statements regarding this issue. The players are waiting for the official revert. This issue is expected to be solved as the first priority from the official’s point of view.
We have also written articles on other topics of MLB The Show. You can check them out: