The name Pokémon brings back memories of childhood. The adventure of a boy named Ash to be the Pokémon master surely took many of us to the world of fantasy. The company Niantic did a splendid job in designing Pokémon Go Xerneas, Sylveon update.
All about Pokemons
The animated creatures like Pikachu, Charizard, Bulbasaur were captured by people like Ash. On their journey, they engaged in Pokémon battles with other masters. Their aim was to defeat Pokémon gym masters and winner league tournaments. The end goal of their adventure was to be known far and wide as the Pokémon master.
The game Pokémon Go was designed to simulate this animated cartoon. Using location services, Niantic aimed at providing a free augmented reality game to enjoy. The players can catch Pokémon in poke balls from real locations.
How to play?
While the players roam about in the real-world, Pokémon’s appear on the game screen. The game screen is designed to look like the anime version of Google maps. When a player is close to a Pokémon, he can catch the Pokémon and add it to his collection. Currently, the multiplayer mode is not available. However, players can go to the area marked as Pokémon gyms to battle against other players.
The new update of Pokemon Go
This popular game is set to receive a major update. Pokemon Go Xerneas, Sylveon release date though unknown, has hyped our expectations too much. The legendary Pokémon Xerneas along with Petilil, Whirlipede, Buneary, etc. is set to join the game. It is rumored that the famous fairy-type Sylveon is also included in this update.
Data miners have stirred quite an uproar in the gaming community. The three rare Pokémons to look out for are:
- Xerneas – The legendary fairy-type Pokémon depicted in its active mode.
- Aromatisse – The evolved form of Spritzee
- Pancham – The fighting type Pokémon set to evolve into Pangoro
The release of the three major fairy-type Pokémon’s might be a coincidence after all. Fans all over the globe are in a dilemma that a new Fairy-type event might be launched. Considering the leaks, it is anticipated that the new update of Pokemon Go Xerneas will roll out in early April 2021 itself. Well, the answer to all these lies post-release.