With TFT Patch 10.7 on a live server, it is time to see what Riot has planned for us in the next Team Fight Tactics. Patch notes 10.8 are up on PBE for the test.
A number of trails have been tweaked in this cycle along with champion balance changes. Infiltrator, Protector, Rebel, Blademaster, Dark Star, Sorcerer, Celestial, and Space Pirate traits see changes in this patch cycle. Champion changes include buffs for hen, Soraka, Rumble, Zoe, Master Yi, Shaco, and Caitlyn and nerf for Lux’s stun.
Check the full Patch Notes below:
TFT Team Fight Tactics Patch 10.8 Notes
Team Fight Tactics Patch 10.8 New Unit
New Unit – Xerath
- Tier 5
- Traits:
- Dark Star
- Sorcerer
- Ability: ‘Abyssal Bombardment’
- “Xerath transforms, summoning meteors to strike random foes in place of his normal attacks for [6/8/45] seconds. Meteors deal [350/450/2500] magic damage upon impact and if they kill their target, all adjacent enemies take [50% base] magic damage and are stunned for 1.5 seconds.”
Team Fight Tactics Patch 10.8 Balance Changes
Shen – buffed
– Duration of ability increased to 2.5/3/5 from 2.5/3/4
Soraka – buffed
– Heal from ability increased to 375/550/20000 from 350/500/2000
Rumble – buffed
– Damage from ability increased to 350/500/900 from 250/400/800
Zoe – buffed
– Damage from ability increased to 200/275/400 from 150/225/400
– Duration of stun effect increased to 2/2.5/4 from 2/2.5/3
Master Yi – changed
– Duration of ability decreased to 3 from 5
– Healing effect per second increased to 12/18/25% from 8/10/15%
– Bonus true damage increased to 100/150/300 from 75/100/200
Lux – nerfed
– Duration of stun effect decreased to 1/1.5/2 from 1.5/2/2.5
Shaco – buffed
– Damage of ability increased to 300/325/350% from 250/325/400%
Caitlyn – buffed
– Damage from ability increased to 750/1500/3000 from 700/1000/1800
Wukong – buffed
– Ability damage increased to 400/600/5000 from 250/450/2000
Team Fight Tactics Patch 10.8 Traits Changes
– Healing effect (4 Champs) increased to 40% from 30%
– Healing effect (6 Champs) increased to 75% from 60%
Space Pirate
– Chance of extra loot drop (4 Champs) increased to 20% from 15%
– New! Bonus attack speed of 120% (6 Champs), which gets refreshed at the point of takedown
– New! Bonus 45% maximum health shield (6 Champs)
– New! Bonus 275 shield and 15% damage (9 Champs)
– New! 100% chance of triggering (9 Champs)
Dark Star
– New! Bonus +45 attack damage and spell power (9 Champs)
– Spell power (4 Champs) increased to 50% from 45%
– Spell power (6 Champs) increased to 100% from 85%
– Spell power (8 Champs) increased to 200% from 150%
– Spell power (4 Champs) increased to 45% from 40%
– Spell power (6 Champs) increased to 85% from 80%
– New! Bonus +150% spell power (8 Champs)
Team Fight Tactics Patch 10.8 Developer Notes
According to Riot on Reddit, following gameplay changes will be in effect with patch notes 10.8
“After monitoring and playing 10.6, we definitely agreed that there were some tunings that were off with these two systems changes that we introduced with Galaxies. So let me list out the problems and approach we’re taking to hopefully resolve it.
- Late / end-game compositions are too consistently attainable without enough risk
- Although several of the 5 cost units were indeed too strong in 10.6, both the amount of gold we injected into the game economy combined with the player damage adjustments were strong contributors to the “Rebel” meta we saw in 10.6. Specifically, greedily loss-streaking is paying out too well while not being nearly as risky as it ought to be.
- The game flow of TFT has become a bit too predictable
- Because the player damage contribution had been shifted largely into the Base Damage per Stage, it has made it very predictable when the first player will be eliminated and when the final Top two fight will generally end. This isn’t all bad – we think the general flow and overall game time are in a good spot, but it’s definitely not perfect.
- We want more room for games to sometimes end faster than usual due to a strong hyper roll player taking over the game, and also on the other end of the spectrum 2 late-game titans duking it out for a good amount of rounds before one comes out the victor.
- We are moving more of the Player Damage back into the Surviving Units of a combat.
- Player Damage
- Base Damage per Stage: 0/3/4/5/10/15/20 changing to 0/1/1/2/5/10/15
- Damage from Surviving Units: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10… changing to 2/4/6/8/10/11/12/13/14/15…
- This should ideally make it more punishing for players who are purposely loss-streaking / open-forting as they risk being eliminated before 4-7. Loss-streaking should still be a strategy and especially a fallback for players who get unlucky early shop rolls or are struggling to settle on a composition, but players in this scenario should be actively trying to lose by small margins rather than happily full-on open-forting.
- Streaks’ gold values are being reduced
- StreaksOld
Two wins = +1g
Three wins = +2g
Four or more wins = +3gNew
Two to three wins wins = +1g
Four wins = +2g
Five or more wins = +3g
Though we do like that players are now strategising around streaks much more closely (especially relative to Interest), it has injected a lot into the economy and also leaves players who are ping-ponging between wins and losses a bit too far behind the curve. We’re being cautious here because we still want everyone to care about streaks, because they should matter. If there continues to be too much gold in the system, we will likely look to drain either more from here or even other sources of income.”
Teamfight Patch Notes 10.8 are releasing on April 15,2020.