THIS IS US : Based on a comedy-drama. This series is all about how life surprises us with something or the other. This series follows a unique ensemble whose paths cross and their life stories that occur in various different ways. We find several people in the series share the same birthday and a lot more things that anyone would expect.
Life is very unpredictable…anything can happen anytime in one’s life… we can not even imagine how life surprises us. We wish for something but life gives us the opposite of what we wish for. This is how life goes on with ups and downs. In this series also the lives of few people are shown how things come in their way and again disappear all of a sudden. This is all that we have known for now but we will inform you more about it later.
This is Us Season 4 Episode 18 Release Date
It is going to air on 24th March 2020. It airs on NBC channel. It’s running time is 60mins. The episode is named ” Strangers:: Part Two“.
This is Us is all about life and it’s a hardship that one goes through. This episode is all about to come and in the promo, we can only see that The Pearsons gather all together in order to celebrate Bailey Jack’s First Birthday. This will be a fun and a reunion kind of episode and we will enjoy it.
Stay tuned!!