estiny 2 is a free-to-play online multiplayer shooting video game. It is the sequel to Destiny and its expansions. The game is set in a mythical solar system and has features PvE, PvP and Free Roam modes. It has four post-release contents out of which Forsaken and Shadowkeep are the large expansion.
Every week, rewards, and progression of all events get reset or removed. So, all guardians have to complete the tasks before the game removes the following:
• Milestone progress and rewards reset for Crucible, Gambit, Nightfall, Flashpoint
• Daily Heroic Mission, Strikes, Clan XP, Vex Incursion
• Raid progress and rewards
• Eververse inventory
• Xur
Destiny 2 Weekly Reset This Week Update
Affect Strikes, Menagerie, Heroic Missions & Adventures
Arc Singe: Arc damage increases slightly from all sources.
Iron: Enemies have more health and are not staggered by damage.
Heavyweight: Power weapons deal more damage, and more ammo is available.
Affect all three tiers
Arc Singe: Arc damage increases slightly from all sources.
Heavyweight: Power weapons deal more damage, and more ammo is available.
Six (PL 750) – Nessus. A crashed colony ship, an interspecies war… Cayde-6 got that adventure he wanted. Go save him from it.
Larceny (PL 750) – Earth. Break into the Red Legion base and steal the personal shuttle of Thumos the no-longer-Unbroken.
The Gateway (PL 750) – Mercury. Osiris’s damaged Ghost appeared on Mercury—along with a Vex army. That can’t be a coincidence.
High Plains Blues (PL 750) – The Tangled Shore. Search the Tangled Shore for Cayde’s killers.
Scorned (PL 750) – The Tangled Shore. Follow Spider’s tip to the Scorned Barons’ hideout and avenge Cayde-6.
Icarus Grip: Improves accuracy while airborne.
Sword Ammo Finder: Increases your chance of finding Heavy ammo while you have a Sword equipped.
Upgrade Module (1 for 1 Enhancement Core & 10 Legendary Shards & 25 Microphasic Datalattice & 5000 Glimmer)
Upgrade Module (1 for 1 Enhancement Core & 10 Legendary Shards & 25 Helium Filaments & 5000 Glimmer)
Enhancement Prism (1 for 10 Enhancement Core & 25 Dusklight Shard & 10000 Glimmer)
Ascendant Shard (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 100 Baryon Bough & 50000 Glimmer)
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Commander Zavala, Vanguard
Name | Description | Requirement | Reward |
The Harder They Fall | Defeat minibosses and bosses in any strike. | 10 Challenging enemies | XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token |
Vanguardian | Defeat enemies in any strike. | 50 Enemies | XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token |
Long Distance Plan | Defeat enemies in strikes with any Sniper Rifle. | 10 [Sniper Rifle] Sniper Rifle | XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token |
Show Them the Light | Defeat enemies with your Super in a strike. | 5 Super ability | XP & 5 Vanguard Tactician Token |
Lord Shaxx, Crucible
Name | Description | Requirement | Reward |
Sparring Grounds | Complete matches in any Crucible playlist. | 2 Crucible matches | XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points |
Standard Fare | Defeat opponents with any Kinetic weapon. | 5 Kinetic weapon | XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points |
Knockout Round | Defeat opponents with your melee ability. | 1 [Melee] Melee ability | XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points |
Process of Elimination | In Elimination, win individual rounds. | 1 Wins | XP & 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points |
Saint-14, Titan Legend
Name | Description | Requirement | Reward |
Leaderless Legion | Defeat Cabal bosses. | 3 Cabal bosses | XP & 1 Moderate Fractaline Harvest |
Strictly Enforced | Defeat Cabal Champions. | 1 Champions | XP & 1 Moderate Fractaline Harvest |
Void Storm | Defeat enemies using Void grenades. | 10 [Grenade] Grenade ability | XP & 1 Moderate Fractaline Harvest |
Falling Stars | Defeat enemies using Solar grenades. | 10 [Grenade] Grenade ability | XP & 1 Moderate Fractaline Harvest |
Eris Morn, Moon
Name | Description | Requirement | Reward |
Filamentary, My Dear Ghost | Gather Helium Filaments from resource nodes across the Moon. | 5 Materials | XP & 5 Helium Filaments |
Moonstreak | Defeat 50 enemies on the Moon without dying. | 50 Streak | XP & 5 Helium Filaments |
Double Draw | Using a Hand Cannon, rapidly defeat enemies in groups of 2 or more. | 15 Rapidly defeated | XP & 5 Helium Filaments |
Ritualistic Finish | Use finishers to defeat Hive on the Moon. | 7 Finisher | XP & 5 Helium Filaments |
Lectern of Enchantment, Moon
Name | Description | Requirement | Reward |
Pyrophantasmic | Defeat enemies in Nightmare Hunts with Solar damage. | 20 [Solar] Solar | XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment |
Courageous Strike | Defeat enemies with melee abilities in Nightmare Hunts. | 15 [Melee] Melee ability | XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment |
Dark Communion | Find the Lost Sector K1 Communion and dispel the Nightmare within. | 3 Nightmares | XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment |
Which Moon Is Haunted? | Defeat Nightmares in Lost Sectors on Io. | 8 Nightmares | XP & 1 Phantasmal Fragment |
The Drifter, Gambit Prime
Name | Description | Requirement | Reward |
INVADER: Doctor Invader | While invading, heal the enemy Primeval in Gambit Prime. | 1 Primeval healed | 1 Invader Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points |
REAPER: Killing Machine | Defeat hostiles without dying in Gambit Prime. | 1 Streaks | 1 Reaper Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points |
COLLECTOR: Bang Knuckles | Defeat enemies with melee abilities in Gambit Prime. | 20 Enemies defeated | 1 Collector Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points |
SENTRY: Kill the Messengers | Defeat Primeval envoys in Gambit Prime. | 3 Envoys defeated | 1 Sentry Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points |
INVADER: Invading the Crucible | Invader bounty. Complete Crucible matches. | 2 Matches completed | 1 Invader Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points |
REAPER: Reaping Precisely | Reaper Bounty. Defeat elite enemies with precision or ability final blows. | 10 Enemies defeated | 1 Reaper Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points |
COLLECTOR: Collecting from Patrols | Collector bounty. Complete patrols throughout the system. | 3 Patrols completed | 1 Collector Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points |
SENTRY: Sentry Duty, Full of Light | Sentry bounty. Generate Orbs of Light. | 10 Orbs created | 1 Sentry Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points |
The Drifter, Gambit
Name | Description | Requirement | Reward |
Big-Game Hunter | Eliminate a high-value target in Gambit. | 1 Targets | XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points |
Elite Executioner | Defeat challenging enemies in Gambit. | 10 Challenging enemies | XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points |
Fistful of Motes | Bank Motes in Gambit matches. | 25 Motes banked | XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points |
Final Ploy | Defeat enemies with finisher final blows. | 5 Finisher | XP & 30 Infamy Rank Points |
Banshee-44, Gunsmith
Name | Description | Requirement | Reward |
Pulse Rifle Calibration | Calibrate Pulse Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision final blows and against opposing Guardians. | 100 [Pulse Rifle] Pulse Rifle | XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core |
Sniper Rifle Calibration | Calibrate Sniper Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. | 100 [Sniper Rifle] Sniper Rifle | XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core |
Rocket Launcher Calibration | Calibrate Rocket Launchers against against any target. Earn bonus progress against opposing Guardians and for additional targets defeated with each shot. | 100 [Rocket Launcher] Rocket Launcher | XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core |
Void Calibration | Calibrate Void weapons against any target. Earn bonus progress using Power weapons and against opposing Guardians. | 100 [Void] Void weapon | XP & 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core |
Ada-1, Black Armory
Name | Description | Requirement | Reward |
Rasmussen Tribute | Pay homage to the Black Armory’s Norse heritage by defeating enemies with Power weapons and Shotguns. | 50 Enemies defeated | 1 Modulus Report |
Secure the Lost Forges | Defeat enemies while participating in the ignition of a lost forge. | 50 Enemies defeated | 1 Modulus Report |
Lost Forge Power Kills | Defeat enemies with Power weapons while participating in the ignition of a lost forge. | 10 Power weapon kills | 1 Modulus Report |
Forge Saboteurs Hunt | Eliminate one of the Forge Saboteurs roaming around the lost forges. Track them down in the Outskirts and the Gulch in the EDZ, and in Artifact’s Edge and the Hallows on Nessus. | 1 Forge Saboteur defeated | 1 Modulus Report |
Public Event Evaluation | Complete public events with at least one Black Armory weapon equipped. | 10 Public events completed | 1 Modulus Report |
Spider, Tangled Shore
Name | Description | Requirement | Reward |
Super Visible | Get Super kills on the Tangled Shore. | 20 Super kills | XP & 5 Etheric Spiral |
Flotsam and Jetsam | Defeat Hive in the Jetsam of Saturn. | 35 Hive defeated | XP & 5 Etheric Spiral |
Shoreline Scavenging | Harvest Etheric Spirals on the Tangled Shore. | 5 Resources gathered | XP & 5 Etheric Spiral |
Lost on the Edge | Explore the Lost Sector Shipyard AWO-43 near the Jetsam of Saturn on the Tangled Shore. | 1 | XP & 5 Etheric Spiral |
Devrim Kay, EDZ
Name | Description | Requirement | Reward |
Marc’s Man | Get Sniper Rifle kills in the EDZ. | 15 Sniper Rifle kills | XP & 10 Dusklight Shard |
Public Works | Complete public events in the EDZ. | 2 Public events completed | XP & 10 Dusklight Shard |
Salzwerk Scavenger | Loot chests in the EDZ. | 5 Chests looted | XP & 10 Dusklight Shard |
Sloane, Titan
Name | Description | Requirement | Reward |
Super Efficient | Defeat multiple enemies with a single Super while on Titan. | 3 Super multikills | XP & 10 Alkane Dust |
Source: Reddit