Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is the latest entry in the Dragon Ball video game franchise. Unlike other previous Dragon Ball Games, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot takes us on an adventure and shed light on the events which occurred between the epic fights of Dragon Ball Z.
Dragon Ball Kakarot Z continues to bring a lot of new elements in the game since its release with side quests. Many players have already completed all the quests along with the main story. They are now asking for a DLC. Fortunately, this month’s V Jump magazine has confirmed a lot of new details regarding Dragon Ball Z Kakarot DLC. In two pages issued for Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, we can see the tree of the planet of Beerus. So that could suggest that Dragon Ball Super: Battle Of Gods may come as the first DLC for the game.
Not only the V Jump has teased the Battle of Gods arc for the game, but data miners have also confirmed the certainty of the DLC. Dataminers (including @ BeatzYT3) had shared models of Vegeta Super Saiyan God, Vegeta Super Saiyan Blue, Beerus and Whis in the game code files. The presence of Vegeta SSGSS model also suggests the “Resurrection of F” arc coming to the game.
Regarding the rest of the information on the double-page, Ryokutya said:
“There is a chemical that turns humans into beasts. Because of the poor quality of these products, humans transformed into animals can no longer become human again. For example, the King of the World (image below) has become a beast because of these products. ”
“The Saiyan’s tail stops growing if their human form is stronger than their giant monkey (Oozaru) form. ”
“There seems to be an additional DLC. We can see a mysterious tree with a shape already seen. This mysterious tree … Where was it already …? ”
Ryokutya / V-Jump