LEGACIES is an American fantasy, supernatural drama based series which is created by Julie Plec. It premiered on October 25, 2018. Legacies follow the story of Hope Mikaelson who is the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall. She is descended from some of the most powerful vampire, werewolf and witch bloodlines. The series is a mixture of all the supernatural and fantasy shows.
In the story, it is shown that after 2 years from the event of The Originals, a 17-year-old girl whose name was Hope, attends the Salvatore school. This school provides a heaven-like atmosphere where all the supernatural beings can learn to control their abilities and impulses. How they can make themself in control with their powers in public. How and where they can use their powers. They are taught each and everything in detail so that they can have full control over their powers. They learn to behave like the saviors and guardians of their cities. This is all about this series.
Legacies Season 2 Episode 13 Release date
Legacies Season 2 Episode 13 will air on 13th February 2020. The episode is named “You can’t Save Them All“.
In the promo, it is shown that Hope finds herself in a race that is against the clock as the threat of the prophecy looms and the pressure to save the Saltzman’s grows high. It is also shown that Alaric’s wants to keep his family safe and in order to do so he has to take certain decisions which are going to be quite tough for him but he will have to take them because he loves his family and he will go to any extent to save them.
All for now, stay tuned!!