F1 is one of the most beloved racing game series in existence. The latest installment of the series, F1 23, has been receiving a ton of positive reviews from its fans since its release. Known popularly for its immersive game style and realistic mechanisms, F1 23 has caught a special spot in the tier list of legendary F1 games. A game of such hype and realism is, however, causing FPS drops recently, especially for PC players. These FPS drops only occur in the nighttime races, spoiling the gaming experience for a lot of fans. Nighttime races are filled with pure thrills, which excites the player to the maximum. But this fun-filled experience is missed by fans who are facing this issue.
Being the latest installment of the F1 series, F1 23 has set standards high. The game contains a lot of enjoyable elements, like PvP modes, which you could enjoy with random players or even with your beloved ones. F1 23 is also known to have a well-written career mode, which improves player engagement even further. Additionally, F1 23 has a realistic weather system that has the power to affect the track conditions, which is a brilliant idea to infuse realism in-game. The circuits in-game are neatly designed as well. Fans love this game for what it is. But there are still several complaints regarding the game, and one of them is that the FPS drops suddenly, especially during nighttime races. Let us discuss more about the issue and arrive at possible solutions.
Also Read: F1 23 (F1 2023) Thrustmaster not working: How to fix it?
F1 23 (F1 2023) Players Facing FPS Drops on Circuits during Nighttime: Is there any Fix yet?
As of now, there has been no official announcement regarding a fix from the developer. The previous installments of the F1 games have not faced an issue like this. Almost every track available in-game stutters and experiences FPS drops when the time changes to nighttime. There are no definite solutions for this, as of now, but you can try playing the daytime circuits until a fix is released. Anyway, you are welcome to try out some of the generic solutions mentioned below:
Try setting Post Processing option to Low
The post-processing option available under the graphics settings resembles a series of visual enhancements. You can choose to turn all of them off by setting the post-processing option to Low. This tends to bring your game’s graphics to their lowest point and increases performance, hopefully fixing the FPS drops. If this doesn’t work, consider lowering all Graphics settings.
Make sure your Graphics Driver is up to date
This issue might also be related to outdated graphics drivers. They play a huge role in optimizing and improving the performance of games on your system. Just make sure that you have the latest version of your graphics drivers installed.
Try lowering the Audio quality
We know this workaround might seem unrelated, but as per reports, it has worked for some. So, consider heading to the game’s Audio setting, and set the Audio Quality to Low.
Reach out to the Professionals
If the issue persists, you can try contacting EA regarding this issue. You must raise a complaint ticket in the official EA Help website and experts from the developer’s end might contact you regarding the issue within a few days.
These are the known fixes that might help you fix the FPS drop issue in F1 23. A lot of players on the EA forums/Steam Discussion page believe that this is something only the developer can fix by releasing a patch shortly. Let us wait until we get an official announcement from the developers. Until then, make sure to follow Digistatement, as we will provide you with all the updates regarding the same.