Homeland is an American spy thriller series that is developed by Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa. This series is based on the Israeli series named “Prisoners of war”. A U.S soldier who was assumed to be killed in Iraq over 10 years ago is now found alive and is being questioned whether he is a member of a sleeper cell, who is sent to cause a terrorist attack.
Being a thriller and action-based family series, it also includes war, romance, crime, everything that happens in the normal life of a human being. All these characteristics make this series worth watching.
Homeland Season 8 Episode 1 Release Date :
Homeland’s 7 seasons are finished and now it is the 8th season which is going to air its first episode on 9th February,2020. The time slot will be 9 p.m in the U.S. IT is 50 mins. This episode is officially named”Deception Indicated”.
As far as the promo is concerned it is shown that Marine Sgt Nicholas Brody who had been missing in action now gets a heroic welcome which also follows his eight years in enemy captivity in Iraq. But top-ranked CIA agent Carrie Mathison does not like his story. She thinks that Brody has been away from the nation for too long and now maybe they have changed his mind and now he is working for Al-Qaida and he is connected with them. She thinks he has come to plot a terror attack on American soil.
Then Carrie uses his brain and engages him in a dangerous game of cat and mouse that has America’s National Security on stake. But then it is also shown that Carrie’s investigation methods land her in trouble with Saul Berenson (her long time mentor in CIA).
All for now….stay tuned.