Hogwarts Legacy offers a wide array of spells to master on your journey. While some spells can be directly accessed after completing main quests, others require certain prerequisites to be met before they can be cast or learned. For instance, Revelio is one such spell that demands specific conditions. Petrificus Totalus is another spell that necessitates a similar approach to unlock and cast. These spells are incredibly potent and can significantly sway the course of a battle or aid in discovering hidden items, depending on the circumstance and type of magic employed. If you want to learn more about the Petrificus Totalus Spell in the game, you have come to the right place. Having a step-by-step guide on how to unlock it and use it can be very helpful. This article is therefore regarding how to get & use Petrificus Totalus Spell in Hogwarts Legacy.
What is the Petrificus Totalus Spell?
This is an essential type of spell that you can use along with the Disillusionment spell. Likewise, you can use the Disillusionment spell to sneak up behind your adversaries and once you are within range, cast the Petrificus Totalus spell to impair and immobilize them. It is important to note that you cannot use the Petrificus Totalus spell without first casting the Disillusionment Spell. Though often considered a stealth kill spell, the Petrificus Totalus spell is not lethal in the lore. Instead, it’s a petrification spell that renders the target completely unable to move or speak, turning them into a stone-like state.
Hogwarts Legacy: How to Get & Use Petrificus Totalus Spell –
Here are the required steps –
1) First and foremost, you have to progress through the game’s main story and level up. It is also important to note that you first learn and hear about the Petrificus Totalus spell during Percival Rackham’s trial quest.
2) So, get to the main quest of Secrets of the Restricted Section. In this quest, you have to enter the Restricted Section of Hogwarts library. This is where you get to unlock this spell.
3) In order to use this spell, you have to use the Disillusionment Charm first. Then, get within range of an enemy to cast it on them to turn them into statues.
This was an article regarding how to get & use Petrificus Totalus Spell in Hogwarts Legacy. You can also check out other articles on the game by following Digistatement.