If you are looking for information regarding the steps on how to get strawberries in Tower of fantasy, you have come to the right place. Cooking is a huge element of the gameplay in Tower of Fantasy. Likewise, there are a number of recipes that you can cook in the game. You have to collect different kinds of ingredients for cooking certain recipes. There are fruits, vegetables, as well as creatures that you can use to cook. Strawberries are one of the fruits that you can find in the game. You can also use this fruit for recipes including Fruit Cake, Iced Strawberry Soda, as well as Jam on Toast. However, some players may not know how they can get this. This article is therefore regarding the steps on how to get strawberries in Tower of Fantasy.
Going to the main topic of this article, you can find out all the latest information you need regarding the steps on how to get strawberries in the game by reading below.
Tower of Fantasy: How to get strawberries –
Here are the required steps –
1) First and foremost, you must understand where you can find strawberries in the particular regions on the map. Likewise, this is a fruit that is relatively easy to find in the game.
2) Next up, you can find these fruits primarily around Asperia around the borders. Likewise, you can find Strawberries around the Navia, Crown, as well as Banges’ borders. You will find these fruits in clusters of groups of three. Therefore, all you have to do is go to these areas on the map and look around for these fruits.
3) Then, you can also loot for Strawberries in the southern part of Aesperia. You have to simply be vigilant when you are in these areas of the map. After finding one, all you have to do is simply pick them up and keep them in your inventory.
4) Finally, you can now get strawberries in the game.
This was an article regarding the steps on how to get strawberries in Tower of Fantasy. You can always keep up-to-date with Digistatement for the latest game news as well as guides.