2Dark is an indie horror and survival video game with stealth adventure bits developed and published by Gloomywood and Bigben Interactive. The game was fully released on March 10, 2017, for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 which will be our focus in this article. In this article, we will discuss how many GB is 2Dark on PS4 and all the relevant information about the game you should know.
Before we get to that, let’s have a quick overview of the game and the indie horror games genre. 2Dark revolves around Mr. Smith, a former detective who visits Gloomywood town to solve a mystery of missing kids. Although the game is simple enough to play and objects can be picked up by just moving closer to them, the game still demands an important skill– stealth. Causing a ruckus while moving will instantly attract enemies to your position as they travel and are guided by sound. Rescuing the children increases the propensity for danger as the kids move slowly and have to be guided to move stealthily. They also have to be protected while on the move.
Indie horror games are getting more social acceptance in the gaming community. Games like 2Dark and Choo-Choo Charles have been put on Wishlist by millions even before getting fully released. Many individuals and small game development teams are increasingly getting more and cheaper access to game development software tools, the result is the increase in creatively out-of-the-box games we all enjoy. Although indie game developers may not have the financial backup or platform like their mainstream counterparts, many of them still have their games published on popular platforms for financial and outreach reasons. Let’s review the game size on PS Plus for PS4 console users.
How many GB is 2Dark on PS4?
PS Plus is a subscription service that allows users of PS4 and PS5 consoles to play games online. It also offers many enviable features and perks. 2Dark is available on PS Plus for PS4 under the ‘E’ tier, implying it is for PS Plus users on the Extra subscription package. The game size on PS Plus is a mere 456 MB which makes no dent in the 500GB storage space the PS4 console comes with. So, you can easily download this and enjoy the thrill of a good horror game.
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