V Rising along with a mind-blowing single-player experience offers the players the option to play in Multiplayer Co-op with their friends. Now, a survival game in Multiplayer Co-op sounds pretty amazing to me. And if it also sounds amazing to you, then you need to learn how to access this mode in V Rising cause it isn’t exactly straightforward. Just follow this guide properly and you should be able to play this game in co-op with your friends. Let’s begin.
V Rising: How to play Co-Op & invite friends
Today, we’re gonna go over how to play V Rising in co-op mode with your friends. First off, you’re gonna need to create a private server and have your friends join it because it is impossible to play co-op if you guys are not on the same server. Let’s get into it
- Head into V Rising and create a private server and then press the “P” key on your keyboard to open up the Clan menu.
- Once you’re in the menu, click on the Invite Players option. Now, to invite players, you’re gonna need to make sure that you guys are on the same server and in the same clan. If you don’t have a clan, create one and have your friends join it. These are vampire clans and can hold up to four people at once.
- After you click on the invite players option, another screen will pop up. Inside this screen, just type the name of the player that you want to invite and click on the invite button.
- The invited player should be able to join your world after they accept the invite. Once this is done, select a common point and get close enough to be able to see each other on the Minimap. And when you do, you can enjoy playing V Rising in Co-op mode with them.
Another cool thing about Co-op is that when you’re playing with 2 or more players you will be able to see everywhere that the players have been on the minimap. If there are any sections on the minimap that are lit up and you haven’t been there yet, then it was probably one of your invited players.
That concludes our guide on how to play Co-op and Invite friends in V Rising. You should now be able to enjoy this survival experience along with your friends. Visit Digistatement for more informative articles like the one you just read. Thank you for reading!