Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is the latest entry in the Dragon Ball video game franchise. Unlike other previous Dragon Ball Games, it is going to take us on an adventure and shed light on the events which occurred between the epic fights of Dragon Ball Z.
The game has been released on January 17 and it is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
Earlier, we shared the details regarding the addition of Beerus & Whis to the game. Well, now new leaks have been surfaced online which says that Broly and Pikkon will be added to the game soon.
According to leaks, Broly and Pikkon aren’t most likely DLCs. Their names were found in Dialogue Folders. So it could be characters against whom players gonna fight. This information has been leaked by DbsHype on Twitter. Have a look at his tweet below.
2 more characters’ names have been found in the Kakarot game files.
(Thanks to: @SaitsuMD) pic.twitter.com/Uw8RZ0BWCg— Dragon Ball Hype. (@DbsHype) January 18, 2020
It is still unknown when both of these characters will be added to the game. But this is leaked data & should not be believed for sure. Players should take this leak with a pinch of salt & wait for the official news from Bandai Namco.