If you are wondering about what the term “hard support” means in Dota 2, you have come to the right place. Dota 2 is a game that has a massive fan base worldwide. Likewise, the game’s competitive gameplay mechanics, as well as core gameplay, are the main reasons for its success. Knowing what the different terms, as well as phrases, mean in the game is very important. This is an article regarding what hard support means in Dota 2.
What does hard support mean in Dota 2?
The term “hard support” in Dota 2 simply refers to the role in the game which is to protect the carry hero during early as well as mid-game stages. Likewise, it is the role in a team whose main role is to contribute towards the success of the team in each and every match of Dota 2.
Players who take on the role of hard support in a match usually have close to no items. Likewise, players who play the role of hard support actively have to play mainly to support the carry. Performing the role effectively means that the players have to use most of their money for different wards, smoke dust as well as all the other items. Thus, a hard support role receives no farm priority while the hard carry has the highest farm priority. Consequently, hard support is also one that does fine or can do fine with little to no farm.
What are the differences between Soft support and Hard support?
Although there are some similarities between Soft support and Hard support, the main role, as well as team mechanics, are different for both Hard support and Soft support. Soft support has to do pulls, farm some creeps in the jungle as well as may stay on lane if a higher priority farm player leaves the lane. Whereas, Hard support is usually the poorest role in the team. Thus, a player who plays the Hard support role spends all his or her resources to buy all wards, doing ‘face checks’ as well as sacrifice for higher priority teammates.
This was an article regarding what hard support means in Dota 2. You can always keep up-to-date with Digistatement for the latest game news as well as guides.